Who can benefit from Chainlock?

The chainlock card is your ideal solution for selling and trading your cryptocurrencies and digital values. If you want to know your personal crypto investments stored in a highly secure way, completely without the threat of hacking, scamming of phishing, then the chainlock card is the thing you were looking for!

The chainlock card benefits at a glance:

  • Highly secure key generation

    The generation of every private key takes place in the high-security zone of the Austrian State Printing House (OeSD): the generation procedure, for which a patent application has been filed, ensures that nobody can view the key pair – not even OeSD staff.

  • Effective counterfeiting protection

    the security seal ensures that your personal private key cannot be secretly read by anybody; the signature procedure, for which a patent application has been filed, protects against an exchange of the address.

  • Secure & convenient hardware

    the card is robust, handy, credit-card-sized as well as water- and heat-resistant.

  • Secure storage

    at any secure place (private safe or safe deposit box in a bank).

  • Simple use

    you don't need any IT background to use the chainlock card.

  • 100 % offline, 100 % secure

    The private key on your chainlock card has never had any contact with the internert. Unauthorised access to the private key via internet, WLAN, NFC, CryptoLocker, private-key scammers, etc. can be ruled out entirely.

  • 100 % independence

    coins created through forks benefit the private key’s owner.

  • 100% user autonomy

    You and you alone are the sole person who can access the private key.

With this cold wallet, cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) and digital values can be:

  • securely stored

  • securely gifted

  • securely bequeathed

  • securely transferred

Physical security check symbol picture

The shown security features are just an overview. For detailed infos, please check our App.